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Healing Systems

Halo Biophotonic Therapy

HALO is dedicated to helping people avoid the health care burdens that we encounter as we age. We are on a mission to reshape health care by educating the masses and professionals on what it takes to achieve optimal health and reverse chronic health problems. Michael has already made a difference in his life; he now chooses to make a difference in your life! “There is only one thing in this entire Universe that heals the human body, and that is the Human Body“. HALO provides the body with the raw bio photonic botanicals instantly at the cell level, then the body takes over to sort it all out; then fix and repair what needs to be corrected.” Each one of you have a Holistic Doctor in your head. We are going to empower that potential and allow you to release that, so you know how the physics of light, water and energy enters the human body and truly works at the cellular level. Nature cannot be dumb downed. We want all of our HALO members to be the healthiest version that we can be. Now is the time to heal! Our Creator originally intended us to “be in health” Helps in All of the Following Areas: LEGACY LA1 Multi-Systems The foundation of the LEGACY All In One LA1 MultiSystem is the Apocalypse All In One MultiSystem AP1 to which is added the new Mind Empowerment and BioEmpowerment Systems including Mind Power/Clarity MPC, Relax RX, Meditation Enhancement MED, Envision EN, Gastrointestinal GI, Organ Support OS and Age Reversal AR. AD – Advanced Defense – contains the Systems CBD, DF, MD, MT & UV in one vial or tube LD – Longevity Defense – contains the Systems UL, L1, L2, L3 & PB in one vial or tube ND – Nutritional Defense – contains the Systems V, M, A, P & EFA in one vial or tube EC – Esthetics Complex – contains the Systems H, S, N, Rejuv & Glow in one vial or tube BD – Breathe Defense – addresses sinus congestion and lung related illnesses. Provides botanical harmonic energies to clear airways and provides energies the body can effectively use to heal from these numerous challenges. Formulated for effectiveness against airborne chemical agents, smog and smoke. DTX – Heavy metal & overall systemic detox – Provides botanical harmonic energies shown effective at removing heavy metal contaminates and other toxic substances from the body. Gives the cells the herbal energies they need to eliminate heavy metals and other accumulated toxic substances through normal routes of elimination. IR – Immune Restore – the most powerful immune restoration and fortifying System I have ever developed. The System works in harmony with the harmonic energies of the Defense System found in the AD vial to provide the body with the most effective and comprehensive immune strengthening botanicals ever available and is designed to work synergistically with other HALO protective Systems. OD – Oxidation Defense – Powerful herbal anti-oxidants combine to provide harmonic energies to assist the body in neutralizing and detoxing extremely harmful free radicals and other oxidative stressors. PD – Parasite Defense – Parasites can enter the body through air, water, earth, foods, contact with other humans, animals and insects, even through injections or oral administration. Parasite Defense is the most comprehensive herbal combination to defending against parasitical invasion while providing harmonic energies to the body to rid itself of existing parasites. RD – Radiation Defense – Your body is constantly bombarded by radiation energies from many frequencies. Many of these energies have been found to cause all manner of mental/physical degradations. Radiation Defense is absolutely necessary in view of both multiple negative radio wave transmissions and especially for those who are undergoing or have undergone radiation therapies. VD - Viral Defense – I think what is understood does not need to be spoken. The biggest currently recognized acute health challenge just might be viral in nature. The body needs all the help it can get to shield against contracting viral infections and to effectively combat them if it becomes infected. Viral Defense is the most comprehensive anti-viral System yet formulated. WH - Wound Healing – Designed to flood the body with multiple botanical harmonic energies for all types of skin, organ, tendon and bone healing. Focus the light directly on the body area of desired wound healing or use sublingually for an overall systemic approach. Charge into your HALO water and drink your healing energies for your utmost convenience. You may also charge these powerful energies into water and place in a body mister or sprayer and apply directly to the area(s) desired. WS – Water Structure – Structures water into double helix structures for the ultimate in cellular hydration, immune boosting, mental clarity and many other superior benefits. You may charge any amount of HALO Systems into your water after using the Water Structure vial or tube and enjoy a multiverse of systemic benefits. AP1 – Apocalypse All-In-One – Available in HALO Pro vial or HALO MAX tube formats, this System contains ALL the harmonic energies of the entire HALO Apocalypse Systems in just one vial or tube. This incredible breakthrough technology allows you to use only the WS vial and the AP1 vial to put ALL the harmonic energies of the entire HALO Apocalypse Systems in your HALO water saving you an incredible amount of time & effort. This vial or tube can be purchased separately and is not included in the HALO Apocalypse Pro or MAX Systems. The LA1 System begins with the foundation of the AP1 System and adds the following HALO Systems: AR – Age Reversal The AR System contains specific, thoroughly researched botanical and herbal extracts designed to build the body-mind’s ability to resist stress and overcome challenges on both a short and long term basis. The botanicals in the OS System have a profound influence on the quality of the skin, mind and vitality. The origin of these herbal extracts is mainly from Chinese traditional medicine, Indian Ayurvedic medicine and other South East Asian traditional medicine practices. Not only individual herbal extracts but also mixtures of different herbal extracts have shown promising results in traditional medicine. Also, the different parts of medicinal herbs, such as roots, leaves, stem and fruits are used in preparations for the treatment of different diseases. The AR System represents a completely novel approach to life extension and quality of life harmonic applications. The AR System brings together powerful antioxidants, anti-aging and cellular life extension botanicals and medicinal mushroom blends designed to slow and possibly reverse the negative effects of cellular degradation and premature aging. Restored energy and vitality are now possible at the speed of light. MPC - Mind Power/Clarity The MPC System has been formulated to provide powerful harmonic energies to empower and “supercharge” the mental processes while heightening nerve conduction thus vastly improving intercellular communication. Simultaneously other herbal and medicinal mushroom extracts provide harmonics to provide superior mental clarity and focus. MPC is the most comprehensive system to empower mind and thought processes. RX - RELAX The RX System has been designed to provide herbal and medicinal mushroom harmonic energies to quickly relax and destress the mind and body. According to the CDC and numerous medical studies stress is the root cause of 90% of all disease. Stress causes numerous chemical imbalances in the body resulting in aberrational behavior, hate, rage, uncontrollable anger, panic attacks, sleeplessness, extreme fatigue and many other undesirable conditions. Until RX there has been no single therapy to address these numerous conditions. MED - Meditation Enhancement The MED System incorporates botanical blends and medicinal mushrooms to empower mind and spirit for deeper levels of concentration and mental focus designed to heighten meditational experiences. Reach more powerful and meaningful levels of enlightenment and unlock previously hidden treasures of knowledge and understanding. The MED System also incorporates herbs designed to provide extremely lucid dreams. EN - Envision The Envision System had been designed to provide botanical harmonics to stimulate the pineal gland and other mind systems to allow for the deepest levels of cellular connection and “mind expansion”. GI – Gastrointestinal The GI System has been designed to address all gastrointestinal issues and to soothe and calm the entire digestive system. GI provides healing harmonics so the cells and structures of the gastrointestinal tract can heal and repair themselves as quickly as possible. OS - Organ Support The OS System contains botanical and medicinal mushroom extracts to provide harmonic energies to support all internal organs empowering the cells to accelerate healing responses and systemic balances between the organs. The botanicals in the OS System have a profound influence on the quality of the skin and all internal organs. The origin of these herbal extracts is mainly from Chinese traditional medicine, Indian Ayurvedic medicine and other South East Asian traditional medicine practices. Not only individual herbal extracts but also mixtures of different herbal extracts have shown promising results in traditional medicine. Also, the different parts of medicinal herbs, such as roots, leaves, stem and fruits are used in preparations for the treatment of different diseases. Each cell takes exactly the harmonic energies it requires to enable the bio system to work in the greatest degree of accelerated health and harmony.

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What is Biophotonic Therapy

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Immunity Therapy Center


Halo Biophotonic Program


What is Biophotonic Therapy? It is the combination of 2 sciences: Physics and Chemistry Physics: The invention of the Nobel Prize winning Blue Light LED Diodes made it possible to direct photons of a specific frequency that could carry harmonic information as a delivery system. Chemistry: Mastery of advanced chemistry allowed 100’s of botanical extracts, medicinal mushrooms, Chinese herbs and other man-made compounds to be combined into long-lasting, stable solutions. Bio-Photonics allows for all the positive benefits of light therapy to be combined with the healing power of botanicals, herbs and other man made compounds to address many health conditions. How Does HALO System Work? How does it work? The photon (light) passes through the vials or tubes that contain the botanical extracts and picks up the harmonic vibrations of the botanicals. It then transmits the photon with the botanical energies into the body (delivery system). The body then responds as if the botanicals were actually present. Michael Thomas (Inventor, Master Chemist and Botanist) theorized almost 20 years ago that if he could pass photons through vials of botanical solutions that the light would pick up the healing information of the botanicals and deliver them to the tissues of the body and/or to drinking water. “The body takes Bio-photonic Therapy energies in just like a plant takes in sunshine. These harmonic energies then go into the body through what I believe are Godly sources; the body knows what to do with these energies and then initiates the self-healing responses”. Michael Thomas Biophotonics: The science of generating and harnessing light (photons) to image, detect and manipulate biological materials. Biophotonics is an emerging area of scientific research that uses light and other forms of radiant energy to understand the inner workings of cells and tissues in living organisms. Photonic/botanical harmonic energies increase cellular communication. The body knows what to do with these energies and how to best distribute them to heal the body. Light and botanicals do not heal or cure. Rather, the self-healing ability of the body is the miracle; it utilizes supplied energies from every source it can to aid in its healing processes. How Do You Use HALO Systems? Biophotonic Therapy harmonic energies can be received in multiple ways: Sublingual: situated or applied under the tongue. Auricular: of or relating to the ear or hearing. Pressure points: on the palms of hands and/or soles of feet. Locally: directly applied to the affected area of the body. Water: Structure and then charge the water with the different combinations of botanicals and drink it as part of your daily routine. Benefits of HALO Systems Supports the body in regulating the immune system. Promotes Longevity and General Wellness. Supports the body in the management of pain and inflammation. Assists in stress reduction and promotes a calming sensation that can be immediate and can last 6-12 hours. A feeling of renewed vigor and vitality lasting for days. Flushes out the dead pathogens. Supports emotional, mental and neurological well-being. Water Structure WS vial — WATER STRUCTURE This vial structures water into micro-clusters for greater cellular permeability (uptake and absorption). This is a physical action that takes place at the molecular level. Water structuring does not remove any impurities nor does it change the alkalinity or purity of your water. The HALO structured and charged water can be used for drinking, cooking, brewing tea or coffee and any other consumable water uses. Also, you may use any type of container or receptacle for your water. Whichever type you choose does not have any effect whatsoever on the molecular structure of charged water. Step 1: Structure water into micro clusters Start with the WS HALO vial and direct the light onto the open surface of water for 15 seconds. Step 2: Infuse water with botanicals (charge the water) Repeat the procedure above with any of the other vials of your choice. The water will retain the harmonic resonance of each of the vials you choose to infuse your water with. There is no limit to the number of vials you can use to infuse water; infuse with each vile for 15 seconds. Best practice is to charge your water for the day all at once. For example: Take a ONE to FIVE GALLON container and charge it with the WS vial for 15 seconds. I highly recommend using the cleanest, non-toxic water you can into your system. My recommendations for the best non-toxic water is to use “structured water” to drink, bathe, and cook with.

Platinum Aura Mat

The Platinum Aura Mat features amethyst aura gemstones that undergo a delicate and sophisticated treatment process to create a gemstone mat unlike any other. Amethyst aura is created through a galvanic process during which amethyst and titanium are placed in a pool of ultrapure water. An electric current is then applied, allowing titanium ions to bond to the surface of the amethyst. When this intricate process is completed, it gives the gemstones an iridescent, glimmering appearance. Each individual amethyst aura stone is then hand-selected to be inserted into the Platinum Aura mat—ensuring that only the finest gemstones are included. Not only do these gemstones have a captivating radiance, but the treatment process also amplifies the stone’s natural energy to help you achieve greater mental fortitude, clarity of mind, and flow of energy. We also included all 5 therapies and our most advanced technology. This includes a customizable PEMF system that allows you to adjust the PEMF frequency, intensity, waveform, and pulse duration—giving you the ability to tailor the PEMF to your health and wellness needs. It even has 12 PEMF presets, such as relaxation or overall regeneration, that can be activated at the press of a button. The Platinum Aura Mat is in limited edition! To feel your best, you need the best—achieve it with the Platinum Aura Mat! Relax your mind and body with the hot stone session: Provides a spa experience in the comfort of your own home Feel hot stones against your skin as they relax your entire body Makes the body more receptive to massage therapy and chiropractic work Heated gemstones release far infrared rays and negative ions Improves the effectiveness of other natural elements in your mat Stone surface impacts pressure points on your body Far infrared outflow: The invisible form of light commonly received from sunlight You cannot see these rays but you can feel their heat Rays penetrate into the body’s tissues bringing soothing warmth Light up your life with photon light session: Uses visible red lights at a wavelength of 660 nanometers Penetrates just below the surface of your skin Pairs well with the hot stone session because it requires direct contact with the skin Beneficial for managing energy levels Achieve well-being with PEMF session: Applies PEMF to the body to stimulate well-being Wellness Enhancing PEMF with changeable: Waveform (Sine, Square), Frequency (1 to 30 Hz with 7.83 Hz default) Pulse duration (medium, fast, ultra-fast) Intensity (10% to 100% Settings) Time (20 min, 1 Hr). Frequency of 7.83 Hz is the most compatible with your body’s natural biorhythms Negative ions have positive effects on your wellness: Nature’s purifiers—clearing your surroundings of harmful agents Attracts harmful airborne particles and pulls them to the ground Counteracts positive ion disturbances Tourmaline releases the largest quantity of negative ions Improves the quality of your wellness Tourmaline Belongs to the family of aluminum borosilicates Produces the greatest amount of negative ions Revitalizes your energy levels Amethyst Emits a strong and steady flow of far infrared and negative ions Promotes better wellness Comes in a crushed form that conforms well to the shape of your body Jade Helps returning your energy and mood levels closer to normal Jade emits a low heat that produces a calming sensation good for relaxation and meditation We utilize all-natural jade mined in China that is cut and polished to the ideal size found on your mat Obsidian Type of volcanic rock similar to Basalt, which is often used in hot stone massage sessions Metaphysical properties shield against internal and external negativity Helps the body better cleanse itself Quartz Is considered the master of all other crystals Has the ability to magnify vibrations of other crystals that it has contact with Is used to amplify the properties of other crystals and gemstones in a mat The Functionality of Your Mat: Each HealthyLine mat contains up to 21 layers that regulate the complex wellness-enhancing experience. These layers do things such as generate penetrating heat, regulate temperatures, provide PEMF, and make your mat more durable. The next step in the process is embedding the mats with pounds of pure natural gemstones. When heated, these gemstones release far infrared rays and negative ions that penetrate into your body. This guides your body into a more receptive state. This is where the inclusion of PEMF and photon lights becomes beneficial. You are an investment that requires nothing short of the best, and that is what you get with the Platinum Mat Full Inframat Pro: the most benefits. How it is made: Your mat is made under careful 24/7 supervision in factories of our own design. We purchase gemstones in extremely high quantities, and as a result, we can provide your mat at a fraction of its real value. We take your concerns very seriously, and as such we will not offer you anything that doesn’t exceed our level of standards and testing. Disclaimer These products are not intended to diagnose, cure, give advice on, treat or prevent any medical condition. HealthyLine assumes no responsibility for the improper use of its products and will not be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the misuse of their products. In all matters of personal health, and especially if you suspect that you suffer from clinical deficiencies, you should primarily consult a licensed, qualified healthcare professional.

Click on images below for more info.

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History of PEMF

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Benefits of Negative Ions

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PEMF Testing

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Namaste' and Peace be with you and your soul always.

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